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Our Church needs New Wine

"No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins. And no one after drinking old wine wants the new, for they say, ‘The old is better.'’” Luke 5:38-39

Hello Fellow Children of God!  I pray that you are well today.  I encourage you to stand firm in your faith today and do not give yourselves over to fear.  There are many great opportunities in front of us to shine light and love into the darkness that confronts us. 

The response highlighted here comes to people surrounding Jesus with questions regarding the traditional practice of fasting.  As we read this accompanying passage, we find that Jesus would call us all to become new wineskins that can hold new wine.  What the heck does that mean?  I believe that in order to experience a new life of love, light, and hope, that we have to change.  God is able to pour this change into us (make us something greater), if we can let go of our old ways.  Modern wisdom would say “if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve got”.  So, do you want to keep getting what you’ve got? How you answer that question will determine your spiritual growth.  We, as followers of Jesus, cannot continue to be mocked by stereotypes that do not reflect the examples of Jesus; those of sacrificial love for ALL PEOPLE. I believe Jesus would call us all to be something new, something loving, something kind.  It is a shame that our human tendency is to stay in our old ways, for “the old is better”.  Be made new, challenge everything that is not loving, affirming, and kind.   Church cannot afford to be the “The Old Time Religion” when confronting the challenges of today.  We must come to love God and love one another in ways that repel oppression and darkness.  We can do it, together with the power of Holy Spirit.  Are you willing? 


Pastor Greg

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