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Restoration Church Ministries

About Us

Ministries of Restoration Church

Every great awakening, revival, outpouring of the Spirit, and powerful move of God is preceded by prayer.  Jesus spent many hours in prayer.  This is where our relationship with God is built, where God’s will is revealed, and where we align ourselves with God and God’s Word.   God’s people of the church need prayer.  Our community needs prayer.  Our world needs prayer.   This group of praying people are the root of all spiritual activity and growth in our church.   These ministries are foundational, vital, and instrumental in restoring the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Intercessors are those who are called to pray for the power and presence of God in the lives of God’s people.  They are the powerful leading edge of everything that we do, though they may appear to be in the background.  Healing prayer ministers are in the laying on of hands and personal prayer ministry.  They believe that it is God’s will to forgive and to heal and that these gifts of love cannot be separated.

All ministries of the church must be lifted up to the Lord in prayer, led by the Lord in prayer, and empowered by the Lord in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

 Worship is the gathering of God’s people to bring honor, glory, praise, and worship of our God, who is worthy.  Although we worship daily through our thoughts, words, and actions, the gathering is a vital part of our spiritual growth.  It is during worship that God is glorified by us, one to another.  We do this in singing, prayer, scripture reading, celebrating Holy Communion, and proclaiming of God’s Word.  Our presence, participation, testimonies, and our offerings of ourselves show others how great our God is, and how grateful we are for God’s miraculous work in our lives.  This living testimony provides hope and encouragement to God’s people to bring them out of isolation and darkness and into the family of, and the light of love, in Jesus Christ.  Worship should always be the outpouring of our gratitude to a mighty and merciful God.  The people who serve in this ministry work to break down all barriers to worship, and to usher people into God’s presence.   The biblical precedent is that people who are filled by the Holy Spirit will worship God together. 

“They will know that you are my disciples by your love. “– Jesus.   Grace, faith, then works.  These ministries are the natural outpouring as a result of people being filled by the Holy Spirit.  Some are short term, some are long term, all come from love overflowing our spirit and spilling into our community and our world.  Someone has been touched by God to serve God’s people in a loving and Kingdom building way.  Once we have received the love of God in us, we become energized to help others find that same world overcoming power.   We do this, not from obligation or duty, but from the abundance that we have and the compassionate heart that God has given us.  The people who serve in these ministries are the hands and the feet of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the world.  They seek to not only serve others in their physical needs, but primarily in their spiritual needs. 

These resource ministries are focused on nurturing and growing all people in spirit and faith.  Fellowship is a good collateral effect, but intentional spiritual development and deployment in the ministries of the church is our purpose.  Jesus developed His disciples by Educating, Demonstrating, Guiding, and Empowering them.   All of our people ministries should have a focus on performing one or more of these steps, with a clear plan of helping God’s children grow into everything God would have them to be.  Small group ministries follow the model very closely as to how Jesus built a church of millions.  People are an absolute requirement, and the most powerful resource that we have to deploy in ministries of prayer, worship, and missions

People filled by the Holy Spirit will have a spirit of generosity, just like their God.  This resource ministry of finance serves as a trustworthy steward of the generous gifts that God provides through God’s people.   They are responsible for accurate accounting and handling of income and expenses of the church and all related ministries.  They will also provide for the awareness of funds available and the feasibility for deployment in ministries of prayer, worship, and missions. 

God has graciously and generously provided us a building and assets for use in the mission set before us.   This resource ministry is focused on being good and faithful stewards of these gifts.  All property of the church must be operated and maintained in a manner that our God is glorified and our faith community is well represented.  Those who serve in this ministry are accountable for this stewardship, but, may hire out the actual work in coordination with the finance ministry.  All physical resources of the church shall be deployed in support of the ministries of prayer, worship, and missions.    

Restoration Church Cville Prayer